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Accumulate critical mass for your personal evolutionary springboard

"Springboard above open pool"

Have you ever heard of this phrase before?

Try to accept the current restrictions and continue to accumulate critical mass for your personal evolutionary springboard.

I have not until now. I got it from one of my many self-development apps. It encapsulates a philosophical or even a motivational approach to dealing with limitations and challenges.

I believe it suggests a strategy for personal growth and evolution in the face of restrictions, Whether those restrictions are societal, professional, or even personal in nature. Let’s break this quote down into three parts -

  1. Accepting Current Restrictions: Acknowledging the reality of facing limitations. These could be external, like societal norms, economic conditions, laws, or internal situations such as personal fears, skills gaps, or other psychological or mental limitations. Acceptance doesn’t mean resignation but rather a realistic acknowledgment of the circumstances. It’s about recognizing what you cannot change at the moment to focus your energy more productively on situations that you can.
  2. Accumulating Critical Mass: The notion of accumulating critical mass refers to building up the necessary resources, knowledge, skills, or support needed to facilitate significant change or achieve a breakthrough. In the context of personal development, this could mean using your time wisely learning new skills, cultivating important relationships, or gathering resources until you’re in a stronger position to overcome the limitations you face.
  3. Personal Evolutionary Springboard: This metaphor suggests using the accumulated experiences, skills, and resources as a launching pad for personal growth or transformation. Just as a springboard propels a diver into the air, the critical mass you’ve built can propel you towards your goals, helping you to overcome or bypass the restrictions that previously held you back.

Overcoming the initial challenge is often the most difficult step, as it requires a thorough evaluation of your own situation and the broader context affecting those around you. This process demands an awareness of elements like laws, economic conditions, and other external factors that might seem irrelevant until they directly impact us. In seeking support, we discover a sense of community and realize that our struggles are not unique; many face similar obstacles.

Acknowledging these limitations is crucial, yet it’s equally important not to become fixated on them. This is another common stumbling block. While it’s beneficial to express your frustrations and connect with others who share your experiences, dwelling on these issues without taking action to address them can be counterproductive. Moving forward involves seeking solutions and making meaningful changes to overcome these challenges.

What are you doing today to accumulate critical mass for your evolutionary spring board?

Before I dive into my personal story in my upcoming posts and how I began to find answers, I will leave this question for you to reflect on. Over the past year, I’ve encountered numerous obstacles within my career and personal life, and I’m aware that my experiences are not unique but worth sharing in how I have approached them.

Published Apr 3, 2024

Speaker, Writer, and Senior UI Engineer at Salesloft