As a way for me to understand Elixir more I like to start projects where I can get used to the syntax by building on an API, like Twitter. Phoenix is the web framework we’ll use to develop our application. This tutorial is just right for the person who has some development experience and wants to get a feel for what Elixir and Phoenix are about. At the end of this we will be able to do the following:
I hope to take this project a bit further in the future past these basic actions but anyone would be able to do that by the end of this tutorial.
Why not? I really want to focus on what Elixir itself offers and how Phoenix works before you need to start making updates to a database.
Apply for access here:
Once you have access, go to Developer Portal
Add an app to to the project area
Add these callback urls:
You’ll need your consumer tokens when we finally set up the project (#5 in ’Create a new project‘)
I highly recommend using asdf
to have the ability to install and manage different versions of Elixir and Erlang. Alternatively, you can install Elixir without using asdf by going to the 2nd option.
In the terminal and in the directory where you want your project to live we will start with these set of commands and configure the Extwitter hex package:
mix appname
cd appname
mix ecto.create
-- no-ecto
to avoid creating Ecto filesmix phx.server
and abortLet’s add the dependencies we’ll use not already included in the project in mix.exs
. We’ll add these 4 hex packages and run mix deps.get
in the terminal to update our project. This equivelant to how we add packages in a node project and run npm install:
defp deps do
{:plug_cowboy, "~> 2.0"},
{:oauther, "~> 1.1"},
{:extwitter, "~> 0.12"},
{:timex, "~> 3.6"}
in your root directory for your keys. Run source .env
in your terminal once you have added your keys:export TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY="YOUR CONSUMER KEY HERE"
hex package in config.ex
config :extwitter, :oauth, [
consumer_key: System.get_env("TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY"),
consumer_secret: System.get_env("TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET")
Plugs are basically the foundational layer of Phoenix’s Components; Controllers, Endpoints, and Router. It is the core of Phoenix’s HTTP Layer. We can create our own Plugs with modules (or even functions) that process and accept a connection, and add it to the Router’s browser pipeline. A pipeline is just a list of plugs and the browser pipeline is specifically used to prepare the routes to render the requests for the browser.
In the root directory of your /app_web
, we will create a plugs.ex
file and add 3 of the following modules in the same file:
defmodule AppWeb.Plugs.AssignCurrentUser do
import Plug.Conn
def init(opts) do; opts; end;
def call(conn, _opts) do
assign(conn, :current_user, get_session(conn, :current_user))
When you create a custom plug module, you are required to import Plug.Conn
and define two functions: init
and call
allows to initialize arguements or options to be passed into call
is where transformation happens for the connection we retrieve. In our custom case we pass 3 arguments into the assign
function. The first argument is required to be the connection, the third is a new key we are adding to the connection struct, and the third is the value. The value that is added is the information of the user from the current session.Another custom plug created, simply follows the same rules when creating one. In out init
function we check if a key value current_user
exists in the connection, thus allowing the page to retrieve the connection information to passed down in the controllers. If it does not, we send a 401 response.
This will not be used in Router.ex
but it will be used in the TweetController to determine if a user can send a tweet.
defmodule AppWeb.Plugs.RequireUser do
import Plug.Conn
def init(opts) do; opts; end;
def call(conn, _opts) do
if conn.assigns.current_user do
|> Plug.Conn.send_resp(401, "")
|> halt()
Our 3rd module plug in the this file will allow to us maintain and save our Twitter user’s secret tokens after they have made a successful authentication using ExTwitter. We will be able to pass this information down to our controllers later in this tutorial that require it to have access to user’s account information within the session.
defmodule AppWeb.Plugs.ConfigureTwitterClient do
import Plug.Conn
def init(opts) do; opts; end;
def call(conn, _opts) do
if conn.assigns.current_user &&
get_session(conn, :access_token) &&
get_session(conn, :access_token_secret) do
# Configure extwitter credentials
[ access_token: get_session(conn, :access_token),
access_token_secret: get_session(conn, :access_token_secret)]
We’re going to add two of our plugs to the pipeline browser in your router.ex
We add our custom plugs at the end because our plugs are dependent on the “session” information that is applied in the connection. You can see plug :fetch_session
is second in the pipeline.
defmodule AppWeb.Router do
use AppWeb, :router
alias AppWeb.Plugs
pipeline :browser do
plug :accepts, ["html"]
plug :fetch_session
plug :fetch_flash
plug :protect_from_forgery
plug :put_secure_browser_headers
plug Plugs.AssignCurrentUser
plug Plugs.ConfigureTwitterClient
Phoenix will invoke each plug in order as the browser hits each scoped path and will start capturing the information we need to render our page.
In /app_web/controllers/
we will edit an existing file page_contoller.ex
and create auth_controller.ex
and tweet_controller.ex
The auth_controller will handle how we request a twitter user’s secret tokens, add it to our configuration, verify authentication, and redirect back the user to the homepage.
defmodule AppWeb.AuthController do
use AppwWeb, :controller
alias AppWeb.Router
# ......
In order to initialize a controller we need to defined its use. We will also need the router in this controller in order to retrieve and redirect paths.
def request(conn, _params) do
token = ExTwitter.request_token(
Router.Helpers.auth_url(conn, :callback)
{:ok, authenticate_url} = ExTwitter.authenticate_url(token.oauth_token)
redirect conn, external: authenticate_url
We use ExTwitter to help us request and use the callback path to allow us to retrieve a token provided by the Twitter Authentication process, to lead us to an authentication url, also provided by Twitter API.
def callback(conn, %{"oauth_token" => oauth_token, "oauth_verifier" => oauth_verifier}) do
{:ok, access_token} = ExTwitter.access_token(oauth_verifier, oauth_token)
# if we just ran configure without merging in the existing
# config, we would lose existing config
[ access_token: access_token.oauth_token,
access_token_secret: access_token.oauth_token_secret ]
user_info = ExTwitter.verify_credentials()
user_obj = %{ name:, screen_name: user_info.screen_name }
conn = conn
|> put_session(:current_user, user_obj)
|> put_session(:access_token, access_token.oauth_token)
|> put_session(:access_token_secret, access_token.oauth_token_secret)
redirect conn, to: Router.Helpers.page_path(conn, :index)
Remember the ExTwitter configuration for our secret tokens we did earlier when setting up our project? In the callback we retrieve the secret tokens for the user and Enum.concat
in order to merge the values instead of overriding our app’s tokens.
We also verify the credentials and if all is well, we are able to get the user’s information.
For now we only get the name
and screen_name
and it constructs a map.
We put all these important details into the session to be retrieved in our custom made plugs.
So what happens when this doesn’t go all too well and it fails because maybe the user forgot their password?
def callback(conn, %{"denied" => _}) do
|> put_flash(:error, "You did not give us access to your account")
|> redirect(to: Router.Helpers.page_path(conn, :index))
We add another function with the same name AND same amount of arguments . This is a form of pattern matching. One of the really cool features about Elixir I enjoy.
def logout(conn, _params) do
|> configure_session(drop: true)
|> redirect(to: Router.Helpers.page_path(conn, :index))
This is the last method we want to add to our auth_controller. It’s going to allow the ability for for the user to logout and scrape their Twitter information from the session and redirect them back to the homepage.
In your controller directory there should be an existing page_controller.ex
that handles rendering your homepage.
defmodule AppWeb.PageController do
use AppWeb, :controller
def index(conn, _params) do
render(conn, "index.html")
Instead of rendering index.html
we are going to render two different templates based on if a current_user exists on our connection.
def index(conn, _params) do
if conn.assigns.current_user do
screen_name = conn.assigns.current_user.screen_name
tweets = ExTwitter.user_timeline([
screen_name: screen_name,
exclude_replies: true,
include_rts: false,
count: 1
render conn, "logged_in.html", %{tweets: tweets}
render conn, "logged_out.html"
If a current_user
exists on the connection then we will want to pull the following user information from it in order to get our first pieces of the Twitter account. In our case the user_timeline
. If there is no current_user
, the user will see the logged_out.html
We’ll create these templates in the Templates and Views section.
We will create one last controller to have the ability to tweet from our app.
defmodule AppWeb.TweetController do
use AppWeb, :controller
plug AppWeb.Plugs.RequireUser
plug :put_layout, false
alias EyefollowWeb.Router
def create(conn, %{"message" => message}) do
tweet = ExTwitter.update(message)
url = "{tweet.user.screen_name}/status/#{}"
|> put_flash(:info, "Tweet created! See #{url}")
|> redirect(to: Router.Helpers.page_path(conn, :index))
After creating and editing our controllers, we will head back to the router.ex
file and add new paths that correspond to each controller and methods we created.
scope "/", AppWeb do
pipe_through :browser
get "/", PageController, :index
get "/auth/request", AuthController, :request
get "/auth/callback", AuthController, :callback
get "/auth/logout", AuthController, :logout
resources "/tweets", TweetController, only: [:create]
We need to provide a path for each level of authentication created in auth_controller.ex
as get requests Since we are creating new sub-path called /auth
we will have to create a view for it. We will get to that in Templates and Views.
You’ll also see we’ve created path for tweets but have set only: [:create]
in order to indicate that this resource should only have one action. We’ll create a view for this too in the next section.
Also if you run mix phx.routes
in your terminal, you will be able to see the routes created here. It will look something like this for the first few routes we’ve created.
page_path GET / AppWeb.PageController :index
auth_path GET /auth/request AppWeb.AuthController :request
auth_path GET /auth/callback AppWeb.AuthController :callback
auth_path GET /auth/logout AppWeb.AuthController :logout
tweet_path POST /tweets AppWeb.TweetController :create
We are almost to the end of the finish line. We are going into the /app_web/templates/
directory to create and edit a few templates then move to views to initialize paths.
We’re going to edit the layout that wraps around templates used in page_controller.ex
<div class="container">
<p class="alert alert-info" role="alert"><%= get_flash(@conn, :info) %></p>
<p class="alert alert-danger" role="alert"><%= get_flash(@conn, :error) %></p>
<main role="main">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-12">
<h1>Twitter & OAuth in Elixir</h1>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-12">
<%= @inner_content %>
We’re going to replace everything after the closing </header>
but still remain inside the <body></body>
HTML tags.
In the page directory we’ll rename the index.html.eex
to logged_in.html.eex
and replace the content with the following:
Welcome, <strong><%= %></strong>!
<a href="<%= Routes.auth_path(@conn, :logout) %>" class="btn btn-default btn-sm">Logout</a>
<form class='form-inline' method='post' action='<%= Routes.tweet_path(@conn, :create)%>'>
<input type="hidden" name="_csrf_token" id="csrf_token" value="<%= get_csrf_token() %>">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" name="message" placeholder="Tweet message..." maxlength=140/>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default btn-sm" id='tweet-form-submit'>Tweet</button>
<h3>@<%= @current_user.screen_name %>'s tweets</h3>
<div class="tweets-container">
<%= for tweet <- @tweets do %>
<div class="tweet-card">
<%= tweet.created_at%>
<%= tweet.text%>
<% end %>
NOTE: Out of the box, we do not automatically get access to use get_csrf_token
when we use a form with a post method to create a tweet. In our app_web.ex
file in the view
method, we must add get_csrf_token: 0
as part of the list of convenient functions to be used in any controller.
You are not logged in.
<a href="<%= Routes.auth_path(@conn, :request) %>" class="btn btn-default btn-sm">Sign In</a>
In the /views
directory, we will add two new views that will allows us to render the templates we have created and access paths we added in Router.ex
defmodule AppWeb.AuthView do
use AppWeb, :view
defmodule AppWeb.TweetView do
use AppWeb, :view
The original tutorial was provided by Steve Klabanoff. There a couple things I decided to do differently that were outdated based on the latest version of Elixir ~1.7
and Phoenix ~1.5.4
ExTwitter Hex Package Documentation
Twitter OAuth 1.0a Documentation and Twitter API v1.1 Documentation
Documentation on how Phoenix works from Plugs, Routing, Controllers and more.
What is Pattern Matching?
Collections: What are Lists, Maps, and Tuples ?